You describe yourself as a New Media Artist, what is it?

New media art is a multi-disciplinary movement of modern art who use new media and new technologies as a tool, a medium and a canvas for creations. I registered myself and my art in this movement, using in my art practice a mix of Digital Art, Captors, Generative Art, Augmented Reality, Artificial intelligence, Data art, Projections and Robots but also more traditional techniques like Japanese ink painting, photography and video.

What are your sources of inspirations & what is driving you?

I catch inspirations everywhere and anytime, when I visit a cathedral, a monument, go to a painting exhibition, watch science fiction movie or read comic books. I try to always keep my mind open to catch and understand what “make me feel”? How can I use these human art cultural heritage to create something new on top of it?These questions enrich my dreams I do when I’m awake, and I often think, “it ll be so cool if…” and then I can visualize and feel a whole new world in my mind. Realizing and sharing these feelings and dreams is what is driving me.

Which artist inspires you the most?

Picasso and his research of adding a layer of abstraction always been a great source of knowledge and inspiration to me. In the living artist, I love DaitoManabe works and how he mixes music, 3d, dance, realtime, code and projection with harmony.

How did you get into media-art?

When I was a teenager I was learning how to make a video game in Flash and I randomly discovered on a forum some “Flasher” who were using the code not to make a game but to create amazing art. Since that time I’m fascinated by it and I dive into it, more and more deep, year after year creating tons of projects and experiments until we created Makio&Floz with Florian Zumbrunn which mark my official start as a Media Artist and as a duo.

What’s the effect you’re looking for on the one who interacts with your art?

I see all kind of art as a door to open the imagination, a door on a new world, new ideas, the expression of something deep inside us as human. By allowing peoples to interact with my creation, I want them to not just be visitors or spectators, I want to open a discussion between them and my living art, make them became a part of the piece so they can feel from the inside the subject and become actors and contributors.

Do you think art can change the life of peoples?

I feel art change life of peoples, it plays on their feeling, it changes their mind and it makes them dreams. I want to give peoples positive emotions and push to a more beautiful, peaceful and poetic future.

Why do you use a robot to paint and not print?

Using robots to draw my digital art made from code allows me to give life to the algorithms I develop, it draws it line by line in the order of the algorithms. This process adds direction,  thickness, speed and personality to each line, but also introduce beautiful “imperfections” due to the pencil, the ink or the paper used. This is life, you can’t control everything and it makes it much more powerful, strong and unique.

How do you create your work, is it all coding?

I would lie if I was saying the code wasn’t playing a big role in my creation, but I would also lie saying it was all about coding. The idea always come first, then I use code to create tools who allows me to create what I have in mind in an easier way, for example, to manipulate pixels on photography, creating generative animation, making visual react to the music or drawing lines with fingers. I also use a lot of existing tools and software like Unity, Photoshop or c4d to speed up my process.

What is your Goal for 2020?

I have tons of goals and things I want to achieve this year! You can read more about it in my Impossible list 2020.

What’s the colour of the future?

Futur is blue.

Another question ?

You have other questions about my work or myself, you want to work or collaborate together, you want to buy or exhibit some pieces. Drop me a line and lets talk!